Forum Rules

These rules have been set by the admins of Unleashed. In them you will find what it consists of and what punishments are given.

Swearing isn't allowed in any part of the forum and if it was used as offense or used in general chat. Punishment could be a warning or a reminder.

Spamming is the act of randomly posting useless information and posts and is strictly forbidden. Punishment will be a warning

Pretending to be forum staff isn't accepted in any way. Unless you're staff, you will receive a warning.

BS modding is the act of 'acting' like a moderator and reminding users of the rules. Depending on the occasion, you may get a warning

Multiple accounts aren't allowed unless moderator approved. Your original account will be banned for a week and the 'second' one will be banned permanently.

Bashing and flaming is offending members and abusing their rights. This also includes racism and bullying. The member will be banned immediately for the length of a week. It may change according to the situation.

Cybering is the act of online sex. An immediate permanent ban will be in order. We may also IP ban you.

Our punishment system runs as the following:

Warning (Reminds that next warning is a ban)
Ban-7 days
Banned permanently

If there is any concern on the rules, PM a moderator.